Who are we : At the beginning of 1983 , the career of Al-Zaheri Poultry was launched as a pioneer national company to produce poultry. We import raw materials including corn , soy , concentrates , premixes , veterinary drugs , poultry equipment for customers. We also produce poultry feeds , broiler chicks , broilers and eggs for consumers ….we are devoted to develop country sector to meet the necessary needs such feeds , chicks , raw materials , drugs , vaccines , concentrates and all requirements of poultry sector.
Vision and tasks of Al-Zaheri Poultry:
Our vision is to provide the best products with high quality and according to the international standards and less costs under competition and also to gain the trust of the consumer with our products and trust of customers with our integrated services in the field of poultry and to expand and develop continuously the poultry sector and provide all services and requirements for customers , as well as stressing to create a real partnership with the governmental bodies and private sector to develop poultry sector and encourage investment in this promising field.

Based on the basic principles of the foundation by which Al-Zaheri Poultry was launched in 1983 by the brothers founders Mohammed , Qaid, Hamid and Khaled Al-Zaheri , now Al-Zaheri Poultry is one of the top corporations in the field of poultry sector and its name became greater due to the best services ever provided to its customers. Al-Zaheri Poultry imports raw materials such as corns , soya , concentrates, poultry feeds , veterinary drugs and poultry equipment from the best suppliers with affordable prices for its customers in the field of poultry sector. The management is also committed to provide high quality products including broilers , layer chickens , feeds and eggs which gained the trust of the customers and consumers according the plan of the general administration of Alzaheri Poultry. The main goal is provide the best products and services as well as developing poultry sector and service the national economy. Our key slogan is pioneership and distinction which the company maintains from the very beginning of its foundation up to date and they will ever remain to gain the trust of the citizens and all customers of poultry sector in the countrywide.
Such success and distinction reached the management of Alzaheri Poultry was not a stroke of luck but it was a fruit of years of diligence and good planning set by the founders Mohammed , Qaid , Hamid and Khaled Al-Zaheri. On the same way , the young qualified management has also passed through and adhered by the development , modernization and improvement of Alzaheri Poultry under the huge competition in the market. The young management strived to achieve development and distinction in service , performance and production to gain the trust of customers and consumers and it achieved such goals to proceed the trip of success and development of Al-Zaheri Poultry without stopping.

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